Jeffrey talks about The Fourth Estate

Jeffrey talks about The Fourth Estate.

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The Fourth Estate

My name’s Jeffrey Archer, and I was thinking once, who’s more powerful than Kings and potentates, Prime Ministers and dictators?

You’ve got it. The Fourth Estate (the press).

So I couldn’t resist writing a story about two men who’d come from totally different backgrounds.

One, someone who’d been born to a great family, who had run newspapers for over a century, the other who’d come from nowhere, but knew if he could get his hands on a big enough paper, he’d have real power and control.

It won’t surprise you that I based these two people on Rupert Murdoch and on Robert Maxwell.

I’ve known both Rupert for many, many years, and I was in the House of Commons with Robert Maxwell. So I was able to draw from them and put it into this book.

But which one of them is going to win? Which one of them is going to end up with the biggest empire of the all while crushing the other?

You’ll have to read The Fourth Estate to find out which one triumphs.

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